The Tempest Classic Reader

Код товару: 9781471542473
Ціна: 192 Грн.
On the way from his daughter´s wedding in Tunis, King Alonso´s ship is hit by a violent storm that threatens everyone´s lives, including his brother´s and the Duke of Milan´s. Marooned on an island filled with strange creatures and noises, their past conspiracy against the true Duke of Milan, Prospero, is revealed.
Вік: 12-16

Рівень: B1+ - B2

On the way from his daughter´s wedding in Tunis, King Alonso´s ship is hit by a violent storm that threatens everyone´s lives, including his brother´s and the Duke of Milan´s. Marooned on an island filled with strange creatures and noises, their past conspiracy against the true Duke of Milan, Prospero, is revealed. How will the magic and illusion on the island affect them? Will justice be served in the end?

Видавництво: Express Publishing
Мова: Англійська мова
Вік: 12-16 років

ISBN: 978-147-154-247-3

The Tempest Classic Reader
William Shakespeare, retold by Jenny Dooley

плюс доставка
Термін доставки: Протягом трьох робочих днів
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