A history of Ukraine. A short course (англійською)

Код товару: 9786175852095
Ціна: 375 Грн.
This book sets out Ukraine’s history from antiquity to the present day, offering a condensed overview of the turbulent history of this European country. This book will help answer the following questions: What is Ukraine — a country which has recently been much talked about in the world? How has Europe become precisely as we see it now?
Вік: 12-16, 16+
Жанр: Розвиваючі книжки

This book sets out Ukraine’s history from antiquity to the present day, offering a condensed overview of the turbulent history of this European country. This book will help answer the following questions: What is Ukraine — a country which has recently been much talked about in the world? How has Europe become precisely as we see it now?

Обкладинка: Тверда
Формат: 120×165 мм
Кількість сторінок: 464

ISBN: 9786175852095

A history of Ukraine. A short course (англійською)
Палій Олександр

плюс доставка
Термін доставки: В наявності
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